DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Yucca Valley Maternity Photographer | 35 Weeks

I’ve mentioned elsewhere that during my pregnancy with our daughter I took a photo of myself every week to track my growing belly, and that I have some measure of guilt that I haven’t managed to pull that off for our son.

It’s not that I’m not just as excited as I was last time. I’m more exhausted this time. I feel less attractive. I’m busier. But there is just as much anticipation about the arrival of this new little life and his introduction to our family.

I wanted to take a photo that captures a little bit of that sentiment. I sit in this chair in his new nursery and imagine him and all the surprises, joys and challenges that will go along with a lifetime of raising him.

We only have 5 weeks left until we get our first glimpse, the first time we’ll feel his tiny weight in our arms. There is nothing quite like waiting for the arrival of your child.

Cherishing these moments…

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