DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Daily Dose of ‘Dela | March 2012

One quarter through the year. I’m proud of myself. Haven’t missed a day yet – unless you include January 1st, when my memory card failed me and I lost all the images I’d taken that day. And I don’t (include it). 🙂

I also post all these photos on my personal facebook page for friends and family as I take them, and I tend to include a lot of commentary to go along with the photos. And it’s becoming such a treasure to me. I have a memory of my daughter saved from every day this year, in words and photos. It’s priceless. And the longer I do it, the more convinced of it. It’s not about every day’s photo. I’m not brilliant as a photographer or as a mother all the the time. I know a shock to you all. ;). Some days it’s harder than others to find a moment to grab the camera and be creative. But I’m committed to taking a photo no matter what – no matter how uninspired I feel or how inconvenient it seems at the time or if it’s literally only 1 or 2 frames I capture, even though my vision isn’t realized or the images are less than technically perfect. And because of that – because of the commitment to do it no matter what – there are some real gems in the mix, on the days when it does all come together. One of my favorites I’ve already printed up as a 20X30 and is hanging above this desk where I sit every day. I’m not going to print and hang them all, that’s for sure. But the great ones make the rest worth it. And I am learning a lot about how fleeting time really is and how important it is to me to bottle some of it up in little visual memories called photos. I *can’t wait* to see all these images in a photo book at the end of the year!

The one thing I think I may give up for this next quarter of a year is the black and white. I feel like I’ve already learned a lot and stretched myself quite a bit, but I haven’t changed my mind. I still LOVE color more! And I miss color images of my baby girl. So, it’s back to color – at least for the next 3 months.

Here’s March in photographs with an abbreviated key (at the bottom), a title that gives a hint of the story behind the photo…

  1. …Rapunzel…
  2. …sick day…
  3. …the moment before the pierce…
  4. …do-a-dot…
  5. …welcome home, Daddy…
  6. …cruisin’ the Depot…
  7. …movie time with the kittybings…
  8. …quick change…
  9. …sunny days…
  10. …gypsy dancing with Mima…
  11. …close up…
  12. …shhh…
  13. …cooking…
  14. …little hands…
  15. …jelly beans…
  16. …big girl play date…
  17. …the naughty chair…
  18. …catching snow…
  19. …belly…
  20. …teez (TV) with mow (kitty)
  21. …doggies…
  22. …CinderDela ironing…
  23. …hiking…
  24. …milk cup…
  25. …Mima’s house…
  26. …decorating for Easter…
  27. …silence and stickers…
  28. …flying with Mima…
  29. …in rollers…
  30. …”bath” time…
  31. …Momma’s flops…

Check out Daily Dose of ‘Dela in January, and in February too!

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