DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Our Logo’s Story

What do pine cones, blackberries and dogwood flowers have in common?

They represent my childhood growing up in the Northwest. I played outside all the time. I had an active imagination and nature fueled my creative play. I was constantly mixing potions out of huckleberries and dirt, building slug hospitals, watching caterpillars become cocoons become butterflies. I was always on my bike or playing on a swing my Dad built for my sister and I in our backyard. I had perpetually scraped knees. I explored and imagined in the constant mist and drizzle of those notoriously dreary Seattle skies. We watched leaves fall. We ran through sprinklers in 60 degree weather. We prayed for snow days every winter and hoped for sunny days every summer. We collected pine cones, waited impatiently for the appearance of blackberries at the end of summer on the wild vines that lined public roads, and made a game of who could spot the first dogwood flower – to my family, the first sign of impending spring. Seasons, change, growing up, memories. I cherish every photo I have that represents that time in my life. My logo represents my fond memories. That’s what I want DelaLane Photography to accomplish for you… the preservation of what will someday be your fond memories, of the people and places that are important to you today.

So that you never forget…

Yup, that’s me at 5 years old in my backyard…


  • Nora - And they certainly do!!! You have for us!!! We cherish them;)ReplyCancel

  • Shannon - You went above and beyond with our daughters senior portraits!!! Thank you for capturing Tasha’s beauty, innocence and love for 50’s pin up styles!!! Can’t wait to see how our anniversary pics turn out next month!!ReplyCancel

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