DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Yucca Valley Photographer | It’s Called Holi Powder

Mandy, of Amanda Kay Photography, is somebody I’ve known for over 25 years. But it’s only in the past 4 or so years we’ve become friends. She’s also one of my very favorite photographers, somebody who has influenced this business more than just about anyone. We have more than most in common. She’s the mother of two little kids, a girl and a boy. She’sĀ  in love with photography, in love with the Lord, and in love with her family. She’s also incredibly passionate about creating opportunities and preserving memories for her family. She’s just passionate in general. Passionate about life and about not compromising the things that truly matter. She’s such an inspiration. I could list the crazy amount of coincidental similarities between our lives, our likes, our decisions, our experiences. I could go on about all the ways that our heart-to-hearts have influenced me… as a business woman, a photographer, a mother. But I’d rather just say how grateful I am to know her. And even though we’re separated by states and don’t get to hang out and chat as often as we like (and it took us a quarter century to figure out we make great friends!), we’re there for each other across the miles. I’m blessed to share life with her, whenever and however our paths intersect in our separate and distanced lives.

And then, on top of everything else, she goes and lets me shoot a ridiculously fun, inspirational, messy, creative, action-packed, laughter-filled session like this. Double bonus. This is actually only the second half of their family session. I’m splitting it up into 2 posts because I’ve decided to indulge myself and share more than usual. I’ll let the photos do the rest of the talking.

And for the record, before you ask… it’s called Holi Powder. šŸ™‚

Go check out Mandy’s business, Amanda Kay Photography on facebook and on the Amanda Kay Photography blog.

Check back for the rest of their family session, before they broke out the holi powder, coming up soon. And also stay tuned for a post on her blog of MY Family’s session with her (the night before this happened!) I LOVE the images she captured for us and can’t wait to get them up on our walls!

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